Teach Your Kids The Value Of Saving
Teaching your children about money is crucial to helping them become fiscally fit. We have a variety of tools that can help you talk to your children about money, how to budget, how to save and how to invest.
Check out some of the programs we have to help children get into the savings habit.
Opening a CME Youth Account is as easy as 1-2-3! Select "New Member Account", follow the prompts, and get the youth in your life ready to take flight on their financial adventure!
uHatch is a special program designed to get savers started on the right path! With NO monthly fee, this is perfect for youth ages 0-12. An adult is required to be listed as a Joint Owner.
$5 minimum deposit
CME swag
Saving Bank
Periodic games and contests
Access to Sam’s Nest (in-branch only)
Free online banking, mobile app, and e-Statement
Interest bearing
Coin Machine Access – No Fee!
uFly is the perfect way to educate teens about good spending and savings habits. With NO monthly fee, this is the ideal next step for youth ages 13-17. An adult is required to be listed as a Joint Owner.
$5 minimum deposit
CME swag
Periodic games and contests
Special CD promotions
Eligible for CME uChoose Account
Free online banking, mobile app, and e-Statements
Debit card with parent
Interest bearing
Coin Machine Access – No Fee!
uSoar is a special fee-free young adult savings account to promote the continuation of good spending and savings habits for those 18-23. NO monthly fee!
$5 minimum deposit
$10 deposit for new accounts
Special CD promotions
Eligible for CME uChoose Account
Free online banking, mobile app, and e-Statements
Debit card
Interest bearing
Coin Machine Access – No Fee!